Towns & Transport to and from Cameron Highlands

Brinchang is the most happening town in Cameron Highlands with the night market or pasar malam being the main attraction and most tourists are here for this night market.

Tanah Rata is strategically located within the heart of Cameron Highlands where it is ‘sandwiched’ between the two major towns of Ringlet on one end and Brinchang on another. Coming here from Tapah, you will first reach Ringlet before reaching Tanah Rata. From here, you can continue on towards Brinchang.

Bus Stations & Terminals

Tanah Rata houses the main transportation hub of Cameron Highlands. The Freesia Bus Terminal here is the main hub for express buses. If you are coming here using bus from major cities like Penang, Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur, you will stop at the bus terminal. You can then continue on with your journey to the other parts of Cameron Highlands either through public transport or on foot.

Around the same vicinity is where you can find taxi services where you can make arrangements for pick-ups or day trips to the nearby attractions at affordable rates.

Driving to Cameron

Getting to Cameron Highlands is by road and while it is on an elevated place, you can get here from either side. The west side is the most popular access here which is possible through 2 exit points. If you are coming in from the south from Johor leading up to Kuala Lumpur and the upper states, you will come in through the Tapah interchange.

If you are heading from the north with the likes of Penang or Ipoh, then you would use the Simpang Pulai interchange. Meanwhile, you use the road coming in from Gua Musang or the Kuala Lipis route if you are heading in from the eastern part of Peninsular Malaysia.

Bus services to Cameron

If you do not like to drive and prefer to come by express bus, you can consider the following options.

  • PerakTransit – This bus service takes you from Ipoh to Cameron Highlands. Start from Medan Kidd bus terminal and take the T30a, T30b or 116 to the Amanajaya bus terminal where you can then find D2 counter. The price is RM20.
    This line departs 7 times per day at 8.30am, 10am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, 3, 5 and 7pm. The ticket is RM20 per pax. The journey is about 2 to 3 hours through Simpang Pulai. You can get down at Kampung Raja or Brinchang which are along the way before it stops in Tanah Rata.
  • If you are coming from Kuala Lumpur, you can get your tickets from TBS (Terminal Bersepadu Selatan). They have many companies operating there with buses departing mostly in the morning and afternoons. Tickets are between RM30 and RM40 starting at 8.30am. The journey will take about 4 to 5 hours usually through the Tapah interchange.
  • If you are coming from Penang, you can take the bus from Georgetown (Prangin Mall) that departs at 7.15am and 1.30pm daily. Tickets are RM35 per pax. The operator here is Unititi Ekspress.
  • If you are coming from Singapore, you need a more comfortable bus as the journey is up to 10 hours long. Take the Fivestar or Grassland from Golden Mile complex. The price is between SGD55 and 65 per pax. These are VIP coaches.
  • Local bus services are available coming in from Taman Negara in the east. This is quite daunting as you will need to change buses several times. First, take the RM7 bus from Kuala Tahn to Jerantut followed by the RM7 from Jerantut to Benta. Then, there is a bus from Benta to Raub and another from Raub up to Cameron Highlands. The entire journey would take almost the whole day.
  • Mini-vans – There is a service that comes from Kuala Lumpur at Swiss Inn. Tickets are priced at RM35 and leaves at noon each day. From Penang, you can take the RM50 van that leaves from Georgetown. You can also take this service from the Kuala Tembeling Jetty from Taman Negara at RM85 per pax. Services are provided by Banana Travel and Tours and Kang Tours and Travel.

Getting around in Cameron Highlands

Getting around in Cameron Highlands is quite easy.

  • You can flag a taxi from the taxi station near the bus terminal but you would need to negotiate as they don’t use the meter here. Otherwise, you can use ride-sharing apps like Grab here which is quite easily available and more convenient.
  • At the moment, there are no public bus services available here. Instead, you can use the company-owned tourist buses that depart every 2 hours. They move from Tanah Rata to Kampung Raja with stops along the way to the main towns. Buses move from 6.30 am every 2 hours and end at 6.30pm. From Kampung Raja, it starts at 7.30am and ends at 7.30pm. Tickets are about RM2 to RM5.
  • You can rent a car here and drive around on your own if you like. Another option is to rent a motorcycle which would be more economical and easy to avoid traffic jams during the peak season.


通常有几种方法去往美丽的金马伦高地。从南出发经过彭亨州的打巴路或霹雳州的新邦波赖, 通过吉兰丹州的话望生和彭亨州新路上的劳勿。

如果你选择从南出发经由彭亨州打巴路的路线, 你只需跟着指示牌从吉隆坡一路开到打巴。金马伦距离吉隆坡大约300公里, 做好与你的亲友历经一场长途旅行的准备。你将需要驾驶三个小时左右去往怡保, 然后继续行驶至打巴收费站。一旦你出了打巴收费站, 在红绿灯处左转。因为这条路直接通往金马伦的第一个小镇——冷力。如果你想在主城区丹那拉打住宿, 那么你将需要从冷力继续行驶12千米。

在这里我想为经由打巴路抵达金马伦的游客们献上几条建议:准备20令吉给收费站。牢记通往金马伦高原的路非常狭窄、陡峭, 因此建议晕车的游客提前备好塑料袋和晕车药。而且在通往金马伦高原的途中有着许多重型机车, 开车时一定要保持警惕, 尤其是当你想超车时, 要倍加小心; 如果碰到有其他车辆从后面赶超, 建议让路, 安全第一。

Simpang Pulai or Tapah Road?


对于上路经验不足的驾驶员, 建议从新邦波赖行驶至金马伦高地, 因为相对于打巴路路线, 此路况更加安全易行。此外, 从新邦波赖到甘榜拉惹只有45分钟左右行程。当你出了新邦波赖收费站, 在红绿灯处右转, 行驶200米左右, 然后再一次右转。

然后在此路继续行驶一个钟头, 不久你便会到达新邦波赖与甘榜拉惹的交叉口。然后左转进入开往甘榜拉惹的大道, 主道上与丹那拉打、碧兰璋等镇相连。提醒从新邦波赖开往金马伦高原的游客们, 要注意此处路道忽然变窄, 注意行车安全, 放缓车速。下坡时不要加速, 特别是雨后道路湿滑, 新邦波赖地段高速上角度事故频发, 小心驾驶。

Simpang Pulai road


Please do not speed after the long bridge(downhill) in Simpang Pulai highway as accidents in this area are fatal.!!!!

切勿在新邦波赖高速过桥下坡时加速, 此处为严重交通事故区